This is a street sign of Bayonne, a city in Pays Basque / Basque Country, south west of France, less then half an hour drive from Spain border.
I've choosen this photo as my theme day photo - instead of street sign of Toulouse, my city - for some reasons :
* The street sign at Bayonne is unique since its written in 3 languages (see the top of the sign) : first language is French (Bayonne Cathédrale); 2nd is Basque (Baiona Katedrala) and the 3rd (Bayoune Catedrala) I don't know what language it is, maybe Occitane.
* The second sign was the sign of Fêtes de Bayonne (Bayonne Festival / summer party) which attracted thousands and thousands of people from around the world. Massive of people in white and red enjoy the party from morning until the next morning for five days ! This year was my 5th opportunity attending this party. I've several time arranged get together with my virtual friends (friends I knew from internet) at this periode of fêtes and we always had good time. That's why I put this photo as and invitation to all my DP friends and especially my french friends (Marie - Montpellier, Jilly - Menton, Eric - Paris, PaB - Baziege, Matthieu -cherbourg, etc, etc) DP friends from Europe or whoever want, come and join me next year !!! (I could arrange accomodation and other things needed).
This month theme have 107 participants. They are : Seattle (WA), USA - Ocean Township (NJ), USA - Cottage Grove (MN), USA - Cleveland (OH), USA - Menton, France - Monte Carlo, Monaco - Singapore, Singapore - Boston (MA), USA - Mexico (DF), Mexico - Kajang (Selangor), Malaysia - Mainz, Germany - Evry, France - Port Angeles (WA), USA - Sequim (WA), USA - Maple Ridge (BC), Canada - Nottingham, UK - Toulouse, France - Wassenaar (ZH), Netherlands - Manila, Philippines - Mumbai, India - Montpellier, France - Bellefonte (PA), USA - Stayton (OR), USA - Moscow, Russia - Paris, France - Saint Paul (MN), USA - Austin (TX), USA - Lyon, France - Stockholm, Sweden - Hyde, UK - Hong Kong, China - Joplin (MO), USA - Seoul, South Korea - Chandler (AZ), USA - St. Louis (MO), USA - Arlington (VA), USA - Anderson (SC), USA - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Villigen, Switzerland - Sydney, Australia - Ampang (Selangor), Malaysia - Montego Bay, Jamaica - Norwich (Norfolk), UK - San Diego (CA), USA - Albuquerque (NM), USA - Melbourne, Australia - Nelson, New Zealand - Quincy (MA), USA - Kyoto, Japan - Tokyo, Japan - Bend (OR), USA - Wellington, New Zealand - New Orleans (LA), USA - Cypress (TX), USA - Nashville (TN), USA - Bucaramanga (Santander), Colombia - Detroit (MI), USA - Saigon, Vietnam - Selma (AL), USA - Phoenix (AZ), USA - Miami (FL), USA - Arradon, France - Sheki, Azerbaijan - New York City (NY), USA - Inverness (IL), usa - North Bay (ON), Canada - Melbourne, Australia - Port Vila, Vanuatu - Tenerife, Spain - Auckland, New Zealand - Forks (WA), USA - Rotterdam, Netherlands - Chateaubriant, France - Madison (WI), USA - Wailea (HI), USA - Orlando (FL), USA - Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation - Ajaccio, France - Baltimore (MD), USA - Crepy-en-Valois, France - Rabaul, Papua New Guinea - Budapest, Hungary - Lyon, France - Saarbrücken, Germany - Adelaide (SA), Australia - Le Guilvinec, France - River Falls (WI), USA - Stavanger, Norway - Naples (FL), USA - London, UK - La Antigua, Guatemala - Philadelphia (PA), USA - Montréal (QC), Canada - Paris, France - San Diego (CA), USA - Trujillo, Peru - Haninge, Sweden - Prague, Czech Republic - Oslo, Norway - Grenoble, France - Shanghai, China - Toronto (ON), Canada - Durban, South Africa - Zurich, Switzerland - Cape Town, South Africa - Singapore, Singapore
PS : Since many of you think that the woman on this photo holding the fêtes de Bayonne sign. I need to put another photo to make clarification. This woman not holding the sign. She is not the bottled water seller either nor just posing for me. She was the woman who help to organize the traffic during the fêtes. The bottles are ready for people who maybe got sick because of hot weather while got trapped in the traffic. When took this photo I was inside my car on the way to Anglet beach and my car was stuck for some minutes because of the street "diversion" (using Hyde DP word) during the fêtes.
Great choice! The sign is very special and so is the scene your lovely photo shows. Many thanks for the invitation! The fêtes sound fantastic.
My favourite signs are on roundabouts in France.
Just where are they sending you when one direction says "Toutes directions" and the next sys "Autres directions" !!!
All and Other?
Great pick of signs. Many signs in Singapore are multi lingual too. They usually contain the four national language in Singapore.
Happy Theme Day!
Have fun at the summer party.
What a lovely background they chose when they put up that sign. :) Great photo.
Oh, I'd love to go to Bayonne. I like the idea of having signs in different languages, especially as local languages are a bit endangered.
What a fascinating post. I see signs around here in two languages, but never three.
Quite a unique sign. All are written in English here.
Perfect choice -- a street sign with a lot of culture.
New Orleans Daily Photo
What a nice invitation ... Is there a person holding up the Fetes de Bayonne (Bayonne festival) sign? In the US when someone is holding a sign it normally furniture advertisement. If they are waving a sign it is normally a political statement
Wow..that would make me feel better if I were not a native.
Now that sounds like a great invitation!!
I presume the woman holding the sign is trying to sell bottled water.
le plus étonnant dans la photo c'est le pack d'eau!!
Je savais pas qu'on pouvait boire autant d'eau aux fêtes de Bayonne!!
pour l'ange un vieux post :
most astonishing in the photograph it is the water pack!!
I did not know that one could drink as much water with the festivals of Bayonne!!
Is the woman holding up the sign, or is she just posing for your photo. I'll wait for my invatation. It sounds a great idea.
Je retiens l'invitation. On en reparle l'année prochaine ?
First time I've ever seen a sign with three languages.
A great choice for a sign..I love it.
Just read your additional comments about the woman with all the water.
Hope you weren't held up too long in the diversion.